Archive for 03/01/2009 - 04/01/2009

Itu game travian.. lumayan koq mainnya gak harus di tungguin, lo tinggal tidur juga nyaho.. nih kalo mau main: (Copy paste ke address)
Posted by : The Blog 25
Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

Bellato job list:

Commando | Miller | Berserker | Armsman | Shield Miller


Desperado | Sniper | Hidden Soldier | Sentinel | Infiltrator


Cypher | Chandra | Wizard | Astralist | Holy Chandra


Driver | Craftsman | Armor Rider | Mental Smith

LV ing Guide:

Bellato Level 1-30 Warrior Beginners Guide By 17173rf
Warrior is known for high defense and high HP. During war, warriors are the first choice to fight in front. When grouping, warriors always block monsters? attack in front, so that spiritualists and rangers can attack and cast spells from behind. Particularly when warriors are equipped with shield, the “Block? which appears in some instances can perfectly defend the opponent’s attack

Level 1-10

For level 1 to 3, you’ll level fast. Do the first beginner’s quest! Fight Young Flem and Flem near HQ. If there are enough monsters to fight, you’ll move to level 3 in ten minutes. Fight DeserKlan to move to level 4. Fighting DeserKlan will earn you much higher XP than fighting Flem. Upon level 4, you can wear level 4 set. Buy some HP potions and go farther to fight Demolis and HeavyWing to level up. Watch out for those Klan guards who can help each other. Upon level 7, you can change equipment, fight Lunker and do quest. It’s better to group with other players, so you’ll soon move to level 10.

Note: If you solo play, it’s difficult for you to do quest before you wear level 7 equipment. But if you group with other players, you can do quest at level 4.

About PT: You don’t have to grind your PT hard. The PT gained from killing monsters is enough for you to wear level 10 equipment.

About earning money: There is a high rate for monsters to drop items and equipments, so one bag is not enough. You’d better try hard to buy 3 bags. Upon completing the second quest, you’ll obtain one more bag! You can save 20, 000 bulks!

Area inside the red circle is level 1-10 monsters area

Level 11-20

Your leveling speed decreases and monsters? attack increases. Better equip shield to increase defense and focus on doing quests. The quest rewards include equipment, experience, money and the most important, contribution points. Kill Ratmoth, Splinter and other monsters according to quest. Since those are quest monsters, there are a lot of players fighting around. You’d better party with other players. The more party members, the better. It’s ok to level alone, but it will be slower for you to level up.

About PT: Equipment above level 10 requires more PT. Though you don’t have to train PT painstakingly, if you needs long rang PT, you’d better start training it now, otherwise, when your level becomes higher and higher, it’s impossible for you to train long range PT. Somebody may be wondering: why warrior trains long range PT? That’s because with that you can wear ranger equipment to increase moving speed, mana resistance and decrease spiritualist’s attack. It’s very useful when running off and PKing with spiritualist.

About earning money: Make money while leveling up. The money gained from selling dropped items will be enough for you to buy HP potions. If monsters drop some super powerful items, you’ll make a small fortune.

Area inside the red circle is level 11-20 monsters area

Level 21-30

Your leveling speed is still slow and you’ll find PT is so important. Characters, though at the same level, may have low attack or high attack, high defense and high HP or low defense and low HP. That’s because they have different PT. You must take both character’s level and PT into consideration to prepare well for the chip war.

The monsters? attack is comparatively high. If you don’t have super strong equipment, you’d better use shield. After all, HP potion will become more and more expensive.

About PT: You must train PT painstakingly. Fight those 5 dot monsters or above to train your defense PT and attack PT. Better equip your shield.

About earning money: Fewer items will drop and you’ll feel you are always lack of money. Mining is your only choice. 60-sec. ores are protected by guard towers. You can also mine 30-sec. ore, but make sure that your friends are protecting you. The best choice is to win chip war, so that you can mine 3-sec. ore and 5-sec. ore under the protection of Holy Stone Keeper.

Note: 3-sec. ore, 5-sec.ore, etc. refer to ore mining speed in a particular area, i.e. one ore every 3 seconds and one ore every 5 seconds.

About chip war: If your character is below 30 and hasn’t changed job yet, you’d better not to participate in the chip war. Train your PT and try hard to reach level 30 before joining the chip war.

Area inside the red circle is level 25-30 monsters area

Bellato RF Online

Posted by : The Blog 25
Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Baca kaya nyanyi Laskar cinta..

Wahai jiwa-jiwa yang Aneh
Berhati-hatilah dirimu
Kepada hati-hati yang penuh
Dengan keautisan yang dalam
Karena sesungguhnya gila
Ada dan bersemayam
Di hati yang penuh dengan autis
Di hati yang penuh dengan prasangka
Laskar autis
Sebarkanlah benih-benih autis
Musnahkanlah virus-virus waras
Virus yang bisa rusakkan otak
Dan bosenkan hati
Laskar autis
Ajarkanlah ilmu tentang autis
Karena autis adalah hakikat
Dan jalan yang terang bagi semua
Umat manusia
Jika kewarasan meracunimu
Kepada manusia lainnya
Maka sesungguhnya xxxxxx
Sudah berkuasa atas dirimu
Maka berdo’alah berharap
xxxxxx datang mendekati
Mendekati manusia-manusia
Yang penuh autis seperti kamu..
Wahai jiwa jiwa yang normal
Jangan sekali kali kamu
Mencoba masuk kelas aksel
Yang gila dan ancuuur
Bahwasanya kamu memang
tak punya daya dan upaya
Serta kekuatan untuk
Mengalah kan kekuatan yg autis
Bukankah kita memang
tercipta autis dan gokil
Dan menjadi orang-orang
yang serba narsis yang pasti berbeda
Bukankah kita memang harus saling
tertawa dan mengusili
Bukan untuk saling berpisah-pisah
dan melakukan hal mebosankan

Laskar Autis

Posted by : The Blog 25 0 Comments

Free Mp3 Music Player :

Sorry ya kalo ngelag ini baru percobaan part 1

Yang mau dengerin musik ya...

Posted by : The Blog 25 1 Comment
Orang bijak bilang:
"Autis itu indah, tapi bila berlebihan akan menjadi bencana"

Tahun 2007 hal yang baru muncul di hidup ku..
Aku di terima di aksel, dan bagusnya semua anak aksel itu autis..
Banyak fasilitas sekolah yang tidak selamat bila bertemu kami.
Temen akselku itu ada..
Dan Andjoe

Di kelas kami berlaku sejumlah pasal:
1.Anak aksel selalu benar..
2.Andjoe yang selalu salah..
3.Semua barang yang rusak di sebadkan suryo, dan.. (liat pasal 2)
4.Bila anak aksel berbuat salah liat pasal 2..

Coming soon Aksel ku = Laskar Autis Part2

Aksel ku = Laskar Autis

Posted by : The Blog 25 4 Comments

Aku mau bagi-bagi ilmu wat naruh background music di blog u.
Cara na:
-Ubah dlu bahasa ke bhs indo (biar gampang)
-klick Tata Letak
-klick Edit HTML
-Cari tulisan -head-
-Di bawah na copas ini :-embed autostart="true" height="0" loop="true" src="URL of music file" width="0"/-
-Habis itu simpan perubahan

Jadi dech ^^

NB: - = >/<

Cara add music di blogger..

Posted by : The Blog 25
Kamis, 12 Maret 2009
1 Comment
Tau gak kalo negara yang perah menjajah kita ini memiliki bahasa yang unik.. ^^

Berikut contoh ucapan salam & ekspresi:
- Ohayou gozaimasu (Selamat pagi)
- Konnichiwa (Selamat siang)
- Konbanwa (Selamat malam)
- Oyasumi nasai (Selamat tidur)
- Sayounara (Selamat tinggal atau Selamat jalan)
- Ja, mata ashita (Sampai jumpa besok, ya)
- Arigatou gozaimasu (Terima kasih)
- Doumo arigatou gozaimasu (Terima kasih banyak)
- Dou itashimashite (Sama-sama, Terima kasih kembali)
- Sumimasen (Maaf)- Sumimasen (Permisi)
- Shitsurei desuga…(Permisi/Maaf…—> diucapkan sebelum bertanya tentang hal pribadi)
- Onegaishimasu (Minta tolong)
- Ogenki desu ka? (Apa kabar?)
- Gomen kudasai (”Permisi”, —> digunakan ketika berkunjung ke rumah orang lain)
- Irasshaimase (Selamat datang —> diucapkan pada tamu restoran, hotel, dll)
- Irasshai (Selamat datang —> dipakai pada waktu kedatangan tamu)

Ntu aku dapet dari sini :

Jepang Jepang!!

Posted by : The Blog 25 0 Comments
Gw bingung knp ya jakarta MACET MELULU!!! Huh apa sich penyebab macet.. Macet ntu merugikan pelajar kaya kita >.< Udah telat, harus brangkat pagi lagi... Coba Jakarta gak macet pemerintah gak bakal bikin kebijakan buat anak sekolah masuk jam setengah 7 (06.30)..
Hah mau gimana lagi?? Lagi pula macet salah kita juga koq gara2 gak taat peraturan.. Huh!! Yw dah kita Do'a aja biar jakarta kagak macet lagi....

Macet lagi macet lagi >.<

Posted by : The Blog 25
Selasa, 10 Maret 2009
1 Comment

Hai ini aku ^^. Namaku Yoga Ady Samudra biasa di panggil "Agoy" atau "Yoga". Umur ku 14 tahun.. Aku sekolah di SMPN 19 Jakarta, deket mayestik... Tau gak sich mayestik?? kalo tau bagus. Gak tau.... Tanya aja ma orang (wee!!). Sekarang sich aku klas 3, aturan aku klas 2 gara-gara aksel jadi klas 3. Hobi q sich cuma main game, baca buku sama gambar.. Owh iya 1 lagi aku suka isenk-in orang terutama adik ku. Aku gak suka olahraga dan "MAIN BOLA"!! Aku heran kata temen2 ku main bola asyik, enak.. padahalkan panas.. kotor mana sakit lagi >.<

Buka FS ato FB q ya: (aturan aku cmx 21 cuma gara2 smp 19 aja jadi aku tulis cmx 19 =3)



Posted by : The Blog 25
Senin, 09 Maret 2009
1 Comment

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