Archive for 11/01/2013 - 12/01/2013
Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction Eighth Edition
By William D Callister Jr - David G Rethwisch
Building on the extraordinary success of eight best-selling editions, Callister's new Ninth Edition of Materials Science and Engineering continues to promote student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties. This edition is again supported by WileyPLUS, an integrated online learning environment, (when ordered as a package by an instructor). Also available is a redesigned version of Virtual Materials Science and Engineering (VMSE). This resource contains interactive simulations and animations that enhance the learning of key concepts in materials science and engineering (e.g., crystal structures, crystallographic planes/directions, dislocations) and, in addition, a comprehensive materials property database. [Material]
Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction Eighth Edition
Sakurakouji Sakura heroine pada kisah ini tidak dapat menerima cara tersebut. Menurutnya pasti ada cara lain untuk menghapus kejahatan tanpa harus membunuh sang pelaku. Inilah yang membuat Sakura marah ketika melihat Ogami Rei, hero pada kisah ini, menghabisi targetnya dengan kekuatan api biru dari tangannya. Namun, Ogami sendiri menganggap Sakura terlalu naif dalam melihat suatu masalah.
Ogami Rei memiliki suatu pripsip yang sering dia ucapkan:
"An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth, and Evil for Evil."Saya cukup tertarik dengan kata-kata Ogami tersebut, meskipun tidak semua kejahatan harus dibalas dengan kejahatan. Tapi tahukah kamu, bila di dalam kitab kitab pada agama tertentu ternyata terdapat pembahasan tentang hal ini. Biasanya disebut dengan hukum Qisas.
Qisas sendiri (bahasa arab: قصاص) adalah istilah dalam hukum islam yang berarti pembalasan (memberi hukuman yang setimpal), mirip dengan istilah "hutang nyawa dibayar nyawa". Yang menarik, setelah saya menonton Code;Breaker saya mendapati ayat berikut saat membaca Al-Qur'an.
"Dan Kami tetapkan atas mereka di dalamnya (Taurat) bahwa jiwa dibalas dengan jiwa, mata dengan mata, hidung dengan hidung, telinga dengan telinga, gigi dengan gigi, dan luka luka pun ada Qisasnya. Barangsiapa yang melepaskan hak Qisas, maka melepaskan hak itu jadi penebus dosa baginya. Barangsiapa tidak memutuskan perkara menurut apa yang diturunkan Allah, maka mereka adalah orang-orang yang zalim." (Al Maidah:45)Dalam bahasan kali ini kita akan terfokus pada kalimat:
Alnnafsa bialnnafsi.. (Jiwa dibalas dengan jiwa)Subhanallah, maha besar Allah dengan segala firman-Nya. Sudah terbukti kelengkapan dan kesempurnaan Al-Qur'an. Gak cuma Ogami Rei yang bisa keren sambil ngomong "An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth, and Evil for Evil.". Insya Allah jika kita mempelajari firman-Nya kita juga gak kalah keren. Hehe.
Waal'ayna bial'ayni.. (Mata dengan mata)
Waal-anfa bial-anfi.. (Hidung dengan hidung)
Waaludzuna bialudzuni.. (Telinga dengan telinga)
Waalssinna bialssinni.. (Gigi dengan gigi)
Waaljuruuha qisasun.. (Dan luka luka pun ada qisasnya)
Code;Breaker "An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth, and Evil for Evil."
Numerical Methods for Engineers, Sixth Edition [6th Edition]
by Steven Chapra (Author), Raymond Canale (Author)
Instructors love Numerical Methods for Engineers because it makes teaching easy! Students love it because it is written for them--with clear explanations and examples throughout. The text features a broad array of applications that span all engineering disciplines.
The sixth edition retains the successful instructional techniques of earlier editions. Chapra and Canale's unique approach opens each part of the text with sections called Motivation, Mathematical Background, and Orientation. This prepares the student for upcoming problems in a motivating and engaging manner. Each part closes with an Epilogue containing Trade-Offs, Important Relationships and Formulas, and Advanced Methods and Additional References. Much more than a summary, the Epilogue deepens understanding of what has been learned and provides a peek into more advanced methods. Helpful separate Appendices. "Getting Started with MATLAB" abd "Getting Started with Mathcad" which make excellent references.
Numerous new or revised problems drawn from actual engineering practice, many of which are based on exciting new areas such as bioengineering. The expanded breadth of engineering disciplines covered is especially evident in the problems, which now cover such areas as biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Excellent new examples and case studies span asll areas of engineering disciplines; the students using this text will be able to apply their new skills to their chosen field.
Users will find use of software packages, specifically MATLAB®, Excel® with VBA and Mathcad®. This includes material on developing MATLAB® m-files and VBA macros. [Produksi, Statistik]
Note: E-book ini dibagikan guna kepentingan edukasi, harap membeli buku versi cetaknya bila telah tersedia di kota anda.